[Tutor] Open webpage and save CSV

Bob Gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 14:08:02 EST 2018

On Dec 13, 2018 1:51 PM, "Sammy Lee" <sjl1357 at comcast.net> wrote:
> I need help on the problem below,

Could you be more specific? What kind of help do you need? Have you made
any attempt to write a program?

We are happy to help but we're not going to do all the work for you. So
tell us what you do know about the various aspects of this problem.

My personal guess is that this is a homework assignment. If that's the case
the class should have given you some of the information (ideally all the
information) you need to solve the problem.

Also please tell us what operating system you're using and what version of

You will need the services of the urllib. request module to get the
contents of a web page.

So start with that.

> Given a URL, open the webpage and save the CSV to a given file path.
> def save_url_to_csv_file(url, savefile):

Bob Gailer

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