[Tutor] OT: How to automate the setting of file permissions for all files in a collection of programs?

Cameron Simpson cs at cskk.id.au
Thu Aug 30 00:49:32 EDT 2018

On 29Aug2018 22:44, boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> wrote:
>So as to not lose the benefits of a version control system, I have
>installed Git on my windows PC.  My current workflow now has gotten
>more complex, and I'm sure can be improved by those thinking more
>clearly than I (And surely more knowledgeable!), and is as follows:
>1)  Using CuteFTP copy all of my original working code (Now with
>problems due to the planning software upgrade.) to my windows PC.
>2)  Put this code under Git version control.
>3)  Create a development branch.
>4)  FTP this back to Solaris for code repair, testing, etc.  BUT!
>This process has changed all of the Unix file permissions on what are
>(For me.) many files, some planning system proprietary scripting
>files, some Perl files, some shell script files and some Python files.
>So before I can do anything further I must go through all of these
>files and change their permissions to the values I need them to be.
>This is quite tedious and error prone.  So I wish to either fix the
>process, or, failing that, automate the process of correcting the file
>If there is a way in this CuteFTP software to maintain file
>permissions in this back-and-forth transferring between a Windows and
>Solaris environment, I have yet to find it in the software's help
>(Though I have not yet had much time to invest in this search, so I
>may not have found it yet.).
>It occurs to me that in theory it should be possible to automate this
>either with a shell script or a Python program.
>Is there a standard way of handling this sort of thing?  Bear in mind
>that if a typical solution would require the installation of a
>software package in the Solaris environment, I am not allowed to do
>so.  I am not allowed to use Python pip either.  Strange rules ...

Does rsync exist on your Solaris system? Can you get rsync and ssh on your 
Windows system?

The "standard" UNIX solution to reproduce a directory somewhere is rsync these 
days, which will work over ssh (by default) if the target is remote.

IIRC, git doesn't track file permissions, so you can't just "export" from your 
WIndows git (or some mirror elsewhere).

So: do you have rsync? Do you have ssh from your PC to the Solaris box?

Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>

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