[Tutor] XML Programs

leam hall leamhall at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 09:13:17 EDT 2018

Yeah, understood.

Okay, knowing that others are smarter about python, and ElementTree,
here's some code I was using to parse XML. Took a while to recover
from.  :)



import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
import argparse
import fnmatch

def show_info(file, element):
  action      = ""
  net_proto   = ""
  trans_proto = ""
  r_port      = ""
  l_port      = ""
  direction   = ""
  name        = ""
  has_info    = False
  f_name      = ""

  id        = element.attrib['name']
  f_name    = os.path.splitext(file)[0]

  for setting in element.iter('Setting'):
    if setting.attrib['name']  == 'Action':
      action    = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == '+NetworkProtocol#0':
      net_proto = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == '+TransportProtocol#0':
      trans_proto = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info    = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == '+RemotePort#0':
      r_port    = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == '+LocalPort#0':
      l_port    = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == 'Direction':
      direction = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True
    elif setting.attrib['name'] == 'Name':
      name      = setting.attrib['value']
      has_info  = True

  if has_info:
    outfile.write("%s ; %s ; %s ; %s ; %s ; %s ; %s ; %s ; %s\n" %
(f_name, id, name, action, net_proto, trans_proto, l_port, r_port, direction))

## Main
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-o", "--outfile", default = "new_out.csv",
help="File to write to.")
parser.add_argument("-d", "--dir", default = ".", help="Directory of
the XML files.")
args = parser.parse_args()

indir   = args.dir
outfile = open(args.outfile, 'w')
outfile.write("File ;Rule ID ;Name ;Action ; Network Protocol;
Transport Protocol; Local Port; Remote Port; Direction\n")

for file in os.listdir(indir):
  if fnmatch.fnmatch(file, '*.xml'):
    full_file = indir + "\\" + file
    tree   = ET.parse(full_file)
    root   = tree.getroot()
    for element in root.iter('PolicySettings'):
      show_info(file, element)



On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 9:07 AM, Glen <glenuk at gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand, I'd love to use something else but the save game files are in
> XML so I have no choice :'(
> On 16 April 2018 at 13:54, leam hall <leamhall at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 7:10 AM, Glen <glenuk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hey guys,
>> >
>> > I'm writing a save-game editor for a game I play (just a project to
>> > learn).
>> > But I am struggling on how to structure the code, how to store the xml
>> > data
>> > in data structure etc,
>> >
>> > Can anyone recommend some source I can review that reads and writes data
>> > from an xml file.
>> A friend's comment was "life is too short for XML". I like that. Have
>> you considered JSON? Taking it a step further, MongoDB (JSON) or
>> SQLite (SQL)? Both are pretty common and standard.
>> While Python has its own stuff, like Pickle, that means you can only
>> use Python. Using something like JSON or SQL means others can use the
>> data and you get a chace to develop in a shared environment.  :)
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