[Tutor] New to Python

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 7 14:39:24 EDT 2017

Welcome to Tutor!

On Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 8:14 AM, Vikram Singh
<singh.vikram.0714 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been learning Python from Google For Education
> <https://developers.google.com/edu/python/>. A little help will be
> appreciated regarding the right way and right tutorials to learn Python
> from. Thanks in advance.

This is a very common question on this list as you might imagine.  If
you go to the searchable Tutor list archives at


and search for "learn python", you will get 8048 hits!  You might want
to do that, look over the results and perhaps perform other searches
for topics that more closely match your interest.

One thing I notice about the Google course you link to is that it is
Python 2-based.  The latest version of Python is now in version 3.6,
and generally speaking, if you are just starting out with Python, you
probably should be focusing your efforts on Python 3.

As a fellow learner, I can recommend some things *not* to do:

1)  Keep buying bunches of interesting books on Python and not
studying any of them thoroughly!  Instead, find a resource -- printed
on paper or online -- that speaks to you and work through it

2)  Starting new project after new project and finishing very few of
them!  Instead, pick something interesting and start working on it,
planning on augmenting it as your knowledge grows in parallel with
your more formal studying.

3)  Working earnestly for a while, then taking long breaks off!  If
you are like me, you will tend to forget many things you have studied
previously, even forgetting you have asked about these things
previously on Tutor!!  Instead, try to work on at least a little bit
of Python studying each and every day, longer when life allows.

4)  I have more I could share, but I think you take my points!

If you have never done any programming, you may need to find a very
gentle resource to start out with that explains not only Python, but
general programming/computer science concepts in a lot of detail.
OTOH, if you already have experience with programming, then you
probably can greatly accelerate your learning progress, perhaps even
getting by with studying the official Python tutorial at


Bear in mind that Python has its own culture and ways of doing things
that can be a bit different from other languages you may have
studied/worked in.  You might enjoy the "Zen of Python" by Tim Peters.
You can access it in the Python interpreter by typing

>>> import this

I have been rambling a bit.  I just noticed that the searchable Tutor
archive is back up and searched for all of my previous posts.  Five
years and I have not come very far.  Do as I say and not as I do!!!

And always ask questions here when you get stuck.  Try not to top
post.  Give your OS and Python version and all other relevant
information to allow the experts to diagnose your problem(s).  Always
COPY AND PASTE both your relevant code and FULL ERROR TRACEBACK into a
plain text email to Tutor.  Try to limit your code to just the part
that is causing you to pull your hair out (If you still have any!
~(:>)) ).

And come back with more specific goals for your self-study along with
any relevant background.  Perhaps someone might be able to offer
advice that is more tailored to your needs and goals.

And again, welcome!  This is a very friendly and helpful place to learn!!



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