[Tutor] Calculate 4**9 without using **, was Re: QUESTION

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Sat Mar 4 03:50:53 EST 2017

Tasha Burman wrote:

> Hello python tutors,
> I am having difficulty with a power function; what is another way I can do
> 4**9 without using **? Thanks,

Hello Tasha,

"what is another way I can do 4**9 without using **?"

sounds a lot like a homework question -- so you really have to think about 
it yourself a bit. A few hints:

How would you do the calculation with pen and paper?

Can you translate that into a Python loop? What kind of loop would you 
choose to repeat something 9 times?

If you are still having difficulties come back here and show us the code you 
have tried, even if it doesn't work yet.

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