[Tutor] Tables in Tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Mar 1 20:27:51 EST 2017

On 01/03/17 23:40, Pooja Bhalode wrote:

> I am trying to create normal tables in Tkinter. 

First you need to define what a "normal table" is.
There is no such thing in standard Tkinter, so any
kind of table is not normal.

Do you want a simple grid of values?
Do you want a spreadsheet type grid with editable cells?
Do you want a live link to an underlying data store?
Do you want it scrollable? Or re-sizeable? within the form?

All of these features are "normal" for tables in
different GUI toolkits, but none of them are normal
in Tkinter.

> as to what functions I can use, I looked into tkintertable, but that does
> not seem to work for me.

What does "not work" mean?

Did it display on screen?
Did it have empty values?
Were the values not editable (assuming you wanted them to be?

You need to be much more specific when describing problems.

> I tried installing it but it gave me a bunch of
> errors while installation and does not work.

How did you install it?
What were the errors?
What does "not work" mean? (How could it work if the
installation gave "a bunch of errors"?)

> Is there any other simpler way for creating table and configuring them as
> per needed?

It depends what you want. Tell us what you are trying
to achieve and we may be able to suggest something.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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