[Tutor] Raspberry pi 2 python help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jun 13 12:08:54 EDT 2017

On 13/06/17 15:08, DJ VIN Lom wrote:
> Can i create a script to have my pi change to a certian directory
> automaticlly after booting. 

You have some serious misconceptions about how the Pi works.
The Pi does not have any idea of a "directory" when it boots
up. The whole concept of a home directory is related to
users. When a user logs in the shell sets a variable to
indicate that users home directory - you can have multiple
users logging into your Pi at once and they each have a
different home directory. But users log in after the Pi
has booted - and it could be seconds, minutes, hours
or days after before the first user logs in.

Having established that it's your login that needs to
be addressed we can look at how to set or change your
home directory. One way is in your user definition
in /etc/passwd. There is a field there that states
where the user goes when they login and you can edit

Secondly when your shell starts up it executes various
startup scripts, depending on which shell you use.
Assuming its bash you can put commands into .bashrc
in your home directory, including a 'cd' to change to
wherever you want.

Finally, since you mention a Python script that
concerns you then you can put commands into the
script itself to change to any given directory
before doing anything else.


import os
os.chdir(<"/your chosen/folder")

> I want it to be in a directory so when i ssh
> into it its ready and i dont need to spend time to do it. 

If it's about being in the right place at login you
probably should just change the login directory
in /etc/passwd. Although this begs the question
why you don't want to use the default /home/userid
directory? Maybe you should be creating links
or aliases to the files you need?

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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