[Tutor] Help with a Conversion

S. P. Molnar s.molnar at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jan 5 08:29:33 EST 2017

I have just started attempting programming in Python and am using Spyder 
with Python 3.5.2 on a Linux platform. (I first started programing in 
Fortran II using punched paper tape.  Yes, am a rather elderly . .  .).

I have bumbled through, what I foolishly thought was a simple problem, a 
short program to change frequency to wavelength for a plot of 
ultraviolet spectra.  I have attached a pdf of the program.

During my attempt at programming I have printed results at various 
stages.  Printing wavelength = [row[0] for row in data] gives me 25000 
as the first frequency in the wavelength list (the corresponding 
wavelength is 400).

To change the frequency to wave length I did the following:

wave_length = p*np.array(frequency)

(The relationship between wavelength and frequency is: wavelength = 
1.0e7/frequency, where 1e7 is the speed of light)

Apparently whhat I have managed to do is divide each element of the frequency list by 1/1e7.

What I want to do is divide 1e7 by each element of the freqquency list.

How di I do this?

Please keep in mind that many, many hyears ago I learned the ole arithmetic and an not trying to start a flame war.

Thanks in advance for the assistance tha I am sure will be most helpful.

Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D.	Life is a fuzzy set
www.Molecular-Modeling.net	Stochastic and multivariate
(614)312-7528 (c)
Skype:  smolnar1

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