[Tutor] Resources/Books for teaching OOP in Python and Tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Feb 20 05:11:37 EST 2017

On 19/02/17 16:34, Marie Shaw via Tutor wrote:
> I am a teacher of 16-18 year olds. 
> I now need to teach them OOP using Python, 

> and GUI programming using Python.

Those are two different topics, although most GUIs
are easier if used with OOP.

However, most tutorials (including mine) teach the basic
syntax and usage of OOP so I'm not sure what extra
information you need. It may e that a basic OOP text
would be better - something like Timothy Budd's
excellent intro(which uses Java) or even "UML Distilled"
by Fowler which uses the UML design language. These
both show how classes and objects should be used
rather than just focussing on the syntax.

As for GUI programming, if we assume you stick
with Tkinter for now as it comes with Python and,
although limited, is easy to learn, there are several
options. The Tkinter page in the official documentation
gives several online links.

For books there are a few. The massive "Programming
Python" tome by Lutz has about 400 pages dedicated
to Tkinter. My own books(and web tutor) both have
a (much shorter) chapter on it.
Several other tutorials cover it too:

Python, How to program by Dietel
Teach Yourself Python in 24 hours

and, if you can find it,
Python & Tkinter programming by Grayson goes into
great detail.


Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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