[Tutor] Explorer bar window(wxpython) combined to Tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Feb 8 19:25:08 EST 2017

On 08/02/17 23:09, Pooja Bhalode wrote:

> But, I want to create this in the original GUI window that I am working in
> using Tkinter. However, when I tried importing it, I am not able to
> understand how to deal with different roots,

Unfortunately you cannot mix toolkits. You either use
Tkinter or wxPython. Similarly PyQt, PyGTK, Kivy etc
all need to be used on their own.

There are a few exceptions where one toolkit is built
on another so you might be able to mix the underlying
toolkit into the higher level one, but they are rare
cases and still often don't work due to event loop clashes.

So you must either write your entire app in wxPython
or in Tkinter.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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