[Tutor] Multiple tabs using tkinter

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Feb 7 04:56:00 EST 2017

On 07/02/17 03:31, Zachary Ware wrote:

> ttk rather than Tix; Tix is unmaintained and soft-deprecated in 3.6+.

Really? Thats a pity.
Tix was supposed to be the module with the extra widgets
and ttk was purely the themed versions of same. Its a shame
to confuse their purposes.

OTOH it does mean that the full range of widgets should
hopefully appear in ttk. Does that also mean that ttk
is now a full superset of Tkinter like Tix? (ttk used
to be a subset so you had to import both...)

> Tk, and also looks significantly more native than classic Tk or Tix.

Sure that was its original purpose.

> Tix is also less available on platforms other than Windows, 

Really? I've used it on Windows and Linux.
Where is it missing? - MacOS?

You may finally have just given me a motivation to move to
Python 3.6 from 3.4... :-)

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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