[Tutor] "Path tree"

Michael C mysecretrobotfactory at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 23:23:35 EDT 2017

Ok, I will work with all these. Thx all!

On Aug 16, 2017 20:22, "Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer" <arj.python at gmail.com>

> in addition to the answers i'd say now you have the motivation to learn
> python data structures and algorithms
> http://interactivepython.org/runestone/static/pythonds/index.html
> barnum and miller
> it is free though i have not found a good pdf book form from where to
> download, but you have the site anyway !
> Now, the website has more materials than when i first knew it.
> hope it helps !
> Abdur-Rahmaan Janhangeer,
> Mauritius
> abdurrahmaanjanhangeer.wordpress.com
> On 14 Aug 2017 02:28, "Michael C" <mysecretrobotfactory at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all:
> I am trying to formulate a "path-finding" function, and I am stuck on this
> problem:
> Please look at the picture attached: Those dots are coordinates of (x,y),
> and this tree can be thought of as a list of tuples, with each tuple
> consisting of (x,y).  Now I am trying to make a function go through this
> list of tuples and then return the "path." to go from, say, 4 to 8. If I
> simply compute for the dot for shortest distance, then the solution would
> be to go from 4 to 8 direct, but that doesn't work, because the correct
> solution should have been 4,3,2,5,6,8.
> How do I do this?
> Thanks!
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