[Tutor] Tkinter layout question

Phil phil_lor at bigpond.com
Wed Apr 19 23:55:50 EDT 2017

On Wed, 19 Apr 2017 22:21:28 -0500
boB Stepp <robertvstepp at gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you Bob and Palm for your replies. They have given me something more tto think about.
> I don't know (now) how to solve your challenges below.  But if I were
> trying to figure this out, I would try to find more complex tkinter
> example applications

I have searched the Internet for hours looking for a game example. Most examples demonstrate the use of specific widgets including the canvas and frames but not in a class context. Putting the pieces together is difficult but I will persevere.

A reference book full of examples is the obvious way to go I suppose. However, it is difficult me to manage paper books because the space they take up and their weight. I do have one general Python e-book but following the few examples is tedious to the nth degree because the text of the examples is so small that I need a magnifying glass to read them.

Anyway, maybe I can justify one book, I'll give it some thought. The massive tome by Lutz comes to mind.

I'll give your keyboard entry suggestion some more thought.


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