[Tutor] How do we create a GUI to run a simple calculation program in Python?

Lisa Hasler Waters lwaters at flinthill.org
Tue Apr 4 12:55:27 EDT 2017

Hello Tutor,

A middle school student of mine created a program to calculate simple and
compound interest. He built it in PyCharm EDU using a Mac running 10.11.6.

He would like to create a GUI to run this program. Please, can you advise
on how he could build this?

Here is his code:

def simple(m, t, r):
    r = r/100
    print("The interest is {} and the total is {} ".format(r*m*t, m+r*m*t))

def compound(m, t, r):
    morg = m
    r = r/100
    for x in range(0, t):
        m = m*r+m
    print("The interest is {} and the total is {} if compounded
yearly.".format(m-morg, m))
    m = morg
    r = r/12
    for x in range(0, t*12):
        m = m*r+m
    print("The interest is {} and the total is {} if compounded
monthly.".format(m-morg, m))

choice = str(input("Would you like to use simple or compound interest? "))
m = int(input("Input the amount of money you would like to deposit
(don't use the $ symbol): "))
t = int(input("Input the amount of time you will be keeping your money
in the bank (in years): "))
r = int(input("Input the interest rate the bank offers (don't use the
% symbol): "))

if choice == 'simple':
    simple(m, t, r)
elif choice == 'compound':
    compound(m, t, r)
    print("Your input is invalid")

Many thanks,

Lisa Waters
Lisa Waters, PhD
Technology Integration
Middle School Coding
Lower School Digital Literacy
Flint Hill School
*www.flinthill.org* <http://www.flinthill.org/>

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