[Tutor] Passing functions as arguments to other functions

boB Stepp robertvstepp at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 22:43:57 EDT 2016

I believe I understand the barebone mechanics on how to do this.  But
I do not understand the rationale of why Python does it the way it
does.  Say

def f(g, *args):

def g(*args):
    # Do something.

do_things = f(g, *args)

is the outline of how I understand the mechanics of doing this.  But
noob boB initially want to do instead:

def f(g(*args)):

def g(*args):
    # Do somenthing.

do_things = f(g(*args))

which, of course, will give me a syntax error.

Also, I note that if I just type a function name without the
parentheses in the interpreter, I will get something like this:

>>> def f():

>>> f
<function f at 0x000001F775A97B70>

So the impression I am getting is that a function name by itself (with
no parentheses) is the function *object*.  But why does Python require
separating the function object from its parameters when it is being
passed as an argument to another function?


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