[Tutor] PyctvhccTV TtV v.:vgvon v3 Tkinter GgUI program

Jay Talbot jay.talbot at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 18:36:44 EDT 2016

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On Oct 24, 2016 6:08 PM, "Elliott Andrews" <elliott.andrews1998 at gmail.com>

Hi there, I am making a program in python based on a Subway operation. All
descriptions and comments codes are provided in the attached program. I've
been using IDLE to run the program and it seems to work the way I want it

However I have heard from many, that global variables are bad practise in
any programming language, and so I want to basically replace all my global
variables with another variable that does the same thing.

The problem is, some data is entered and then when the data is submitted,
the GUI window terminates and automatically re-opens for another data
entry. I need some sort of variable to store some data while the program
resetts itself.

Sorry is this sounds really broad, and I am happy to clarify and points.

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