[Tutor] Best way to install Python 3 onto Windows 10

paul.hermeneutic at gmail.com paul.hermeneutic at gmail.com
Wed Mar 16 23:06:59 EDT 2016

I would visit http://www.python.org/ and hover over the "Downloads"
text, then choose the desired package.

If you want a 64-bit kit, go to
https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-351/ and choose
"Windows x86-64 executable installer".

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 3:31 PM, Ken G. <beachkidken at gmail.com> wrote:
> Having acquired a new laptop yesterday with
> Windows 10 installed and up-to-date, what
> would be the best way to install the latest
> version of Python 3? The laptop is an Dell
> Latitude E5500 and I am still learning the
> bells and whistles of it. I last used Windows
> XP 3-4 years back so this usage is all new
> to me.
> Currently, I am using Python 2.7.6 on a
> desktop Linux system, Ubuntu 14.04.4 and
> using Geany as a go to using Python.
> TIA,
> Ken
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