Wolfgang Maier wolfgang.maier at biologie.uni-freiburg.de
Wed Mar 9 04:04:09 EST 2016

On 09.03.2016 04:41, syed zaidi wrote:
> Well,  I know about it but I want to perform the task using python 2.7 since the tool I'm trying to develop is in 2.7. For some reason I want to do it without biopython please help. ..

Fair enough. Parsing the fasta and the other (was it gff?) input is not 
that difficult with just built in functionality and you've described the 
other necessary steps already.
However, as pointed out by Alan, this mailing list is not there for 
writing scripts for you, but to help you with particular coding and 
understanding problems. So show us what you've tried so far and what you 
couldn't get working, then we cann certainly tackle these problems.


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