[Tutor] recursivity and lists

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 4 14:41:53 EST 2016

On 04/03/16 19:25, sina sareth wrote:
> Hi There

Hi, welcome to tutor. But please do not hijack an existing thread
for a new topic. Post a new message to tutor at python.org.

Otherwise the archive gets very confusing for people searching
for answers. Or even for people using threaded email/news readers.

> I have those projects and I would like to get some directions the way
> to tackle them.

Given that you have provided very little information about your
knowledge/skill level
as well as the problem we can only give very sketchy advice.

> Thanks
> 1)  XML parsing into database. 
For xml parsing use the etree package

For a data base we woyuld need to know what kind of database,
what you want to store from the XML etc.

> 2) Do the same thing but this time, get ALL the quotes and save

What kind of quotes?
> them as separate database entries (you will have to do a for loop for
> this). 

> 3) Use Django to build a view where you can download all Quotes in CSV
> form. 
Consult the Django tutorial/docs for help with Django. Its outside this
groups remit.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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