[Tutor] Recommendations for best tool to write/run Python

Lisa Hasler Waters lwaters at flinthill.org
Wed Mar 2 14:26:22 EST 2016

Thanks so much Ben and Jon for your input.

Ben, in terms of time for learning curve, I suppose we do have some
limitations as we are up against school schedules. However, if it is
something I could learn in a reasonable time that I could then more quickly
walk my students through then I'd be up for the challenge!

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 1:58 PM, Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au>

> Lisa Hasler Waters <lwaters at flinthill.org> writes:
> > Could you please recommend the best Python tools for writing and
> > running our code for the long term?
> How much of a learning curve are you willing to accept? The best tools
> for the long term are inevitably those which require some investment of
> time to learn.
> --
>  \     “Unix is an operating system, OS/2 is half an operating system, |
>   `\    Windows is a shell, and DOS is a boot partition virus.” —Peter |
> _o__)                                                        H. Coffin |
> Ben Finney
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Lisa Waters, PhD
Technology Integration
Flint Hill School

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