[Tutor] s.insert(i, x) explanation in docs for Python 3.4 confusing to me

Ben Finney ben+python at benfinney.id.au
Sun Jan 17 14:27:32 EST 2016

Alex Kleider <akleider at sonic.net> writes:

> May I trouble you further by specifically asking about 's/nor/not/'- I
> don't get what that's about.

He's using a common editor syntax (the ancient ‘ed’ editor's
“substitute” command, which is inherited by Unix ‘sed’ and ‘vi’, among
others) to represent “please replace the text ‘nor’ in that line, with
the text ‘not’ instead”.

 \      “Do I believe in God? … without clarification of a kind I have |
  `\    never seen, I don’t know whether I believe or don’t believe in |
_o__)                whatever a questioner has in mind.” —Noam Chomsky |
Ben Finney

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