[Tutor] Syntax error

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Jan 7 13:05:50 EST 2016

On 07/01/16 13:40, Sarah Rasco wrote:

> In IDLE, I typed print ("Hello, world!") and hit enter, and it returned the
> message. I saved the file as hello.py in C:\python. Then, when I tried to
> run it in IDLE, I got a syntax error and it highlighted the '5' in the
> prompt 'python 3.5.1'.

I suspect you have accidentally saved the session instead of your program.
To save a program you need to go to File->New menu and
select a Python script.
That opens a new editor window (No >>> prompt).
Type your code (the print line in this case) into the editor window.
Now use File-> SaveAs to save your file as whatever you want to
call it (hello.py in this case)
Now you can either use the Run menu or execute it from the CMD box

The File->Save from the Python shell window saves everything
you have typed and that Python has printed. That is occasionally
but not often useful. For program code you need a new editor file

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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