[Tutor] Teaching Python

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Wed Jan 6 15:42:52 EST 2016

On Wed, Jan 6, 2016 at 10:23 AM, yehudak . <katye2007 at gmail.com> wrote:
> My grandson Guy (8th grader) is learning Python at school. That's what
> me teach myself Python programming as well.
> Yesterday he asked my help in his homework:
> Write a FOR-loop that prints all numbers up to 1000000

Try to say explicitly where you think you're getting stuck. There are a few
general problem-solving strategies that you can try to apply, in the spirit
of Polya's How To Solve It:

* Do you understand the question being asked? Do you understand all the
technical "terms" that the question is using? This is actually a really
important one: if you don't understand the terms, there's very little hope
to get anything useful out of the experience.

- Do you know what a for loop is? Have you seen any examples of for loops?
- Do you know what it means to print a number? Have you seen any examples
of this?

* Do you know what the expected output is supposed to look like?

* Have you tackled problems that are similar to this one before?

* Do you know how to solve a simpler version of the problem? Say, from
changing "1000000" to "10"?

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