[Tutor] What potential problems might I encounter installing Anaconda?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 2 04:32:57 EST 2016

On 02/01/16 04:26, boB Stepp wrote:

> 1) At this time I have no need for multiple versions of Python on my
> home PC.  Would it be advisable for me to uninstall my existing v.
> 3.4.4 as the Anaconda distribution I am looking at uses v. 3.5?

It shouldn';t make any difference. Anaconda and v3.4 can coexist.
But removing the older distro should be fine too, it just makes anaconda
your default for all Python scripts.

> 2) Will installing Anaconda cause any problems with my existing Vim
> 7.4 installation?  

> any Python-related plugins in Vim.  However, I do value the existing
> syntax highlighting Vim does for Python out of the box.  

The syntax highlighting is not powered by Python, its simply
a bunch of regex patterns. Depending on your vim there may be
a Python interpreter to execute Python macros but I believe
that's implemented as a library inside Vim it does not use
the system interpreter. So even if you deleted all Pythons
from your PC vim would not be impacted.

> to reinstall Vim after installing Anaconda for Vim to be able to find
> Python?


> 3) Is there anything else I need to be aware of regarding Anaconda?
> 4) ...that updates and new Python package installations are
> done in Anaconda with a "conda" command.  Does this mean that pip
> installations can no longer be done?

Sorry I can't answer that, you'll need an Anaconda user I guess.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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