[Tutor] really basic - finding multiline chunk within larger chunk

Danny Yoo dyoo at hashcollision.org
Tue Feb 16 23:56:05 EST 2016

Hi Bruce,

> For some reason, can't seem to return true on the find. I've pasted in
> http://fpaste.org/323521/, but the following is an example as well.
> (not sure if the psuedo code listed actually shows the chunks of text
> with the whitespace correctly.

As others have mentioned, pattern matching on tree structures by using
string comparison is a fragile approach, and the mismatch is probably
reflecting that fragility: it'll mismatch entirely even if a single
whilespace character is not the same as the pattern you're matching.

Looking at your input, I see that you're expecting to match the second
row of content:

>                  <TR>
>                   <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP"></TD>
>                   <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP"
> class="row_SectionLite"><STRONG>Required</STRONG></TD>
>                   <TD valign="TOP" class="row_SectionLite"></TD>
>                   <TD align="RIGHT" valign="TOP" class="row_SectionLite">
>                    Yes
>                   </TD>
>                   <TD align="RIGHT" valign="TOP"></TD>
>                  </TR>

where your pattern string is

>     s2a='''<TR>
>                   <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP"></TD>
>                   <TD align="LEFT" valign="TOP"
> class="row_SectionLite"><STRONG>Required</STRONG></TD>
>                   <TD valign="TOP" class="row_SectionLite"></TD>
>                   <TD align="RIGHT" valign="TOP" class="row_SectionLite">
>                    Yes
>                   </TD>
>                   <TD align="RIGHT" valign="TOP"></TD>
>                  </TR>'''

Huh.  Unfortunately, I can't reproduce your failure: it appears to
match successfully for me.  Example:


Can you reproduce this?

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