[Tutor] Python for Grade 12 Calculus

Nicholas Tomasic ntomasic.blyth at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 17:56:00 EST 2016


I'm a 12th grade Calculus teacher at a school in Toronto, Ontario, and I'm
thinking about incorporating Python into an Independent Study Project for
two of my students. Both are passionate about coding with Python and I'm
thinking of asking them to produce something that can either a) calculate
derivatives of simple functions or b) assign 1 student the product rule,
one the quotient rule, and have them write a program that can tackle
derivatives in those forms.

The problem is: I know very little about Python.

Unfortunately, I don't have a specific question but I'm looking for any
valuable insights or suggestions.

I appreciate any information you can give me on the subject.

Thanks so much,

Nick Tomasic

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