[Tutor] vpython help

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 29 04:20:11 EDT 2016

On 29/04/16 00:27, Craig, Daniel Joseph wrote:

> I am writing a program where I have a ball with a position and velocity 
> reach a wall in 3D space.

Well done, but vpython is a bit off topic for this list which deals with
the core python language and libraries.

I notice there is a vpython user forum, you might get
more/better  answers there:


> I am able to drag the ball around after it is done moving
> but I would like to be able to move the ball prior to
> it moving towards the wall.

I'm not clear what you mean by that. I'm sure it will be possible
but it sounds very vpython specific.

If you ask on the vpython forum you should probably include
some code to show what you have done so far. And include
any error messages too.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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