[Tutor] Code wont run

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 16 18:51:55 EDT 2016

On 09/04/16 10:32, Nevina Dias via Tutor wrote:

Sorry for the delay the message was in the moderation queue and I was on

As to your code it has not been posted in plain text so its been
scrambled by the email system. We can't begin to decipher it.

When you say it "won't run", do you get an error message? If so please
repost both the code and the full error message and use plain text in
your mail tool.

> import random import time 
> print ("Welcome to Pizza Shed!")
> total_cost = 0
> tablenum = input ("Enter table number from 1-25 \n ")tablenum = int(tablenum)while tablenum>25 or tablenum <=0:     tablenum = input ("Enter the correct table number, there are only 25 tables ")     #Pizza menu with prices 
> print ("---------------------") 
> print ("Let me help you with your order!") 
> print ("---------------------") 
> print ("Menu") 
> print (     "1 = cheese and tomato: 3.50, "     "2 = ham and pineapple: 4.20, "     "3 = vegetarian: 5.20, "     "4 = meat feast: 5.80, "     "5 = seafood: 5.60 " )
> pizza_costs = [3.5,4.2,5.2,5.8,5.6]
> pizza_choice = input("Enter the type of pizza that you want to order from 1-5 \n") pizza_choice = int(pizza_choice)while pizza_choice>5 or pizza_choice <=1:     pizza_choice = input ("Enter the right number ") 
> if pizza_choice == 1:     print "You have chosen cheese and tomato. The cost for this is 3.50" elif pizza_choice == 2:     print ("You have chosen ham and pineapple. The cost for this is 4.20") elif pizza_choice == 3:     print ("You have chosen vegetarian. The cost for this is 5.20") elif pizza_choice == 4:     print ("You have chosen meat feast. The cost for this is 5.80") elif pizza_choice == 5:     print ("You have chosen sea food. The cost for this is 5.60")
> #find the cost and then add it to the #totalcost = pizza_costs[pizza_choice - 1]total_cost += cost    print ("------------------") 
> pizza_amount = input ("Enter the amount of Pizzas that you want to order ") while pizza_amount > 10 or pizza_amount <=0:     pizza_amount = input ("Maximum amount is 10, Please enter again ") 
> print ("--------------------") 
> #base 
> print ("Base") 
> print (     "1 = thin and crispy,"     "2 = traditional" ) 
> base = input ("Select a base from 1-2 \n") while base>2 or base<=1:     base = input ("There are only 2 types, Please enter again ") 
> if base == 1:     print "You have chosen thin and crispy" elif base == 2:     print ("You have chosen traditional")     print ("-------------------") 
> #extra toppings 
> print ("Extra Toppings") 
> toppings = input ("Enter a number for your choice of extra topping \n Enter 1 for extra cheese \n Enter 2 for extra pepperoni \n Enter 3 for extra pineapple \n Enter 4 for extra peppers \n" ) while toppings >4 or toppings < 0:     toppings = input ("There are only 4 types of extra toppings, Please try again " ) 
> if toppings == 1:     print ("You have chosen extra cheese. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 2:     print ("You have chosen pepperoni. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 3:     print ("You have chosen pineapple. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 4:     print ("You have chosen peppers. The cost for this is 0.50") 
> print ("-------------------------") 
> #drink
> #Here you will need to multiply the #drink cost by you drink amount #before adding it to total_cost
> print ("Drink") 
> print (     "1 = Cola: 0.90, "     "2 = Lemonande: 0.80, "     "3 = Fizzy Orange: 0.90 " ) 
> drink_costs = [0.9,0.8,0.9]
> drink = input ("Enter a number for your choice of drinks " ) while drink>3 or drink<0:     drink = input ("Choices start from 0 to 3 " )drink = int(drink)
> if drink == 1:     print "You have chosen Cola. The cost for this is 0.90" elif drink == 2:     print ("You have chosen Lemonande. The cost for this is 0.80") elif drink == 3:     print ("You have chosen Fizzy Orange. The cost for this is 0.90") 
> drink_cost = drink_costs[drink-1] drink_amount = input ("Enter the amount of drinks")drink_amount =int(drink_amount)while drink_amount >10 or drink_amount<0:     drink_amount = input (" You can only have upto 10 drinks, Please try again") drink_amount = int(drink_amount)
> drink_cost *= drink_amounttotal_cost += drink_cost
> print ("--------------------------------") print ("Calculating bill") print ("--------------------------------") print ("--------------------------------")     print ("Thank You for ordering at Pizza Shed! ")
> print("£", total_cost, sep = "")
> Hey...I tried running this code, but it doesnt work ..
>  Show original messageReply Reply to All Forward MoreNevina Dias <diasnevina at yahoo.co.uk>ToAlex KleiderMar 31 at 1:09 PMimport random import time 
> print ("Welcome to Pizza Shed!")
> total_cost = 0
> tablenum = input ("Enter table number from 1-25 \n ")tablenum = int(tablenum)while tablenum>25 or tablenum <=0:     tablenum = input ("Enter the correct table number, there are only 25 tables ")     #Pizza menu with prices 
> print ("---------------------") 
> print ("Let me help you with your order!") 
> print ("---------------------") 
> print ("Menu") 
> print (     "1 = cheese and tomato: 3.50, "     "2 = ham and pineapple: 4.20, "     "3 = vegetarian: 5.20, "     "4 = meat feast: 5.80, "     "5 = seafood: 5.60 " )
> pizza_costs = [3.5,4.2,5.2,5.8,5.6]
> pizza_choice = input("Enter the type of pizza that you want to order from 1-5 \n") pizza_choice = int(pizza_choice)while pizza_choice>5 or pizza_choice <=1:     pizza_choice = input ("Enter the right number ") 
> if pizza_choice == 1:     print "You have chosen cheese and tomato. The cost for this is 3.50" elif pizza_choice == 2:     print ("You have chosen ham and pineapple. The cost for this is 4.20") elif pizza_choice == 3:     print ("You have chosen vegetarian. The cost for this is 5.20") elif pizza_choice == 4:     print ("You have chosen meat feast. The cost for this is 5.80") elif pizza_choice == 5:     print ("You have chosen sea food. The cost for this is 5.60")
> #find the cost and then add it to the #totalcost = pizza_costs[pizza_choice - 1]total_cost += cost    print ("------------------") 
> pizza_amount = input ("Enter the amount of Pizzas that you want to order ") while pizza_amount > 10 or pizza_amount <=0:     pizza_amount = input ("Maximum amount is 10, Please enter again ") 
> print ("--------------------") 
> #base 
> print ("Base") 
> print (     "1 = thin and crispy,"     "2 = traditional" ) 
> base = input ("Select a base from 1-2 \n") while base>2 or base<=1:     base = input ("There are only 2 types, Please enter again ") 
> if base == 1:     print "You have chosen thin and crispy" elif base == 2:     print ("You have chosen traditional")     print ("-------------------") 
> #extra toppings 
> print ("Extra Toppings") 
> toppings = input ("Enter a number for your choice of extra topping \n Enter 1 for extra cheese \n Enter 2 for extra pepperoni \n Enter 3 for extra pineapple \n Enter 4 for extra peppers \n" ) while toppings >4 or toppings < 0:     toppings = input ("There are only 4 types of extra toppings, Please try again " ) 
> if toppings == 1:     print ("You have chosen extra cheese. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 2:     print ("You have chosen pepperoni. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 3:     print ("You have chosen pineapple. The cost for this is 0.50") elif toppings == 4:     print ("You have chosen peppers. The cost for this is 0.50") 
> print ("-------------------------") 
> #drink
> #Here you will need to multiply the #drink cost by you drink amount #before adding it to total_cost
> print ("Drink") 
> print (     "1 = Cola: 0.90, "     "2 = Lemonande: 0.80, "     "3 = Fizzy Orange: 0.90 " ) 
> drink_costs = [0.9,0.8,0.9]
> drink = input ("Enter a number for your choice of drinks " ) while drink>3 or drink<0:     drink = input ("Choices start from 0 to 3 " )drink = int(drink)
> if drink == 1:     print "You have chosen Cola. The cost for this is 0.90" elif drink == 2:     print ("You have chosen Lemonande. The cost for this is 0.80") elif drink == 3:     print ("You have chosen Fizzy Orange. The cost for this is 0.90") 
> drink_cost = drink_costs[drink-1] drink_amount = input ("Enter the amount of drinks")drink_amount =int(drink_amount)while drink_amount >10 or drink_amount<0:     drink_amount = input (" You can only have upto 10 drinks, Please try again") drink_amount = int(drink_amount)
> drink_cost *= drink_amounttotal_cost += drink_cost
> print ("--------------------------------") print ("Calculating bill") print ("--------------------------------") print ("--------------------------------")     print ("Thank You for ordering at Pizza Shed! ")
> print("£", total_cost, sep = "")
> The code wont run and I was wonder whether, if the code is right in working out the total cost?
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Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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