[Tutor] Python type confusion?

Ken Hammer kfh777 at earthlink.net
Mon Sep 28 22:27:19 CEST 2015

A simple "type" problem?

The following code works as a py file with the XX'd lines replacing the two later "raw_input" lines.  
Why do the "raw_input" lines yield a TypeError: 'str' object is not callable?  Same result if I use/omit 
the parens around the poly tuple.

#### evaluate a polynomial as formula for a defined function
##poly = (0.0, 0.0, 5.0, 9.3, 7.0)    # f(x) = 7x^4 + 9.3x^3 + 5x^2
##x = -13
poly = raw_input("Type, 0.0-n ,")        ## these do not work in place of above
x = raw_input("Type your val of x, ")    ## 'str' object is not callable?

total = 0.0
for i in range(len(poly)):
        totalTerm = poly[i]* (x ** i)
        total += totalTerm
        print "totalTerm ", i , totalTerm
print "Equation Value", total
#### Good answer follows:
totalTerm  0 0.0
totalTerm  1 0.0
totalTerm  2 845.0
totalTerm  3 -20432.1
totalTerm  4 199927.0
Equation Value 180339.9
thanks,  Ken Hammer

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