[Tutor] Creating lists with 3 (later4) items occuring only once

Martin A. Brown martin at linux-ip.net
Sun Sep 27 21:22:43 CEST 2015

Hello Marcus,

> I never exspected to get such motivating comments and advice !!! 
> Thank you again.

Much appreciated!  Each of us contributes to this mailing list in 
some way or another.  And, not a one of us sprang fully-formed from 
Zeus's head with our Python expertise.

> 1. I explain my task in plain text:
> Flights (in golfers language) or Triples (in computer language)  composed of
> 3 golfers  (in golfers language)  or 3 letters (in
> computer language)  play once a day for n days.
> Each golfer or letter should only once be combined with another, meaning a
> combination of 2 golfers/letters should never
> be    >1  for n days.

OK, so this certainly appears to be the social golfer problem or 
some similar variant.

I had never heard of it before your posting and it is not a problem 
space I'm familiar with.  Earlier, people pointed out the similarity 
of the Steiner triple system and Kirkman's schoolgirl problem.  I 
think this is where you should study now.  I suspect that you would 
benefit more from talking to somebody who knows combinatorics and/or 
this particular problem.

In particular, I think the closest already-proposed partial solution 
to your problem was from Marc Tompkins.  You might have a second 
look at that and see what you make of it:


I also find myself asking the same question Marc asked at the end of 
his posting:  How confident are you about the number 301?

> 2. I considered ['a +b', 'a + c', 'b+c'] == ['a','b','c']

This is a combination.  So, for example, for this very small part of 
your problem:

   >>> list(itertools.combinations(('a','b','c'), 2))
   [('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c')]

Now, you need to figure out how to keep the stuff you want and pitch 
the duplicates.

> 3. I'am glad that it can be done with all letters. However, with 
> Triples I need a number dividable by 3 so the maximum would be 24 
> golfers or letters.
> That is why I limited my samples to 9 and 15. 5 and 7 would not 
> work since ther are prime numbers.
> I hope to get a program allowing to change the varables like 
> number of days played(n) and number of golfers/letters, up to a 
> max of 24 according to different situations.

Here's how I would accomplish the second part (this is an 
implementation suggestion only):

   import sys
   import string

   if __name__ == '__main__':
           alphalength = int(sys.argv[1])
       except IndexError:
           alphalength = 5
       alphabet = string.ascii_letters[:alphalength]

       result = compute_solution(alphabet)

       # -- print result or summary stats on result

You would still have to write the computation to solve your problem 
and apply all the constraints you wish to apply.

Now, the part that I have not done anything with is the matter of 
days played.

> The posting of your sample with 5 letters below is correct.

I goofed in my generation of the list.  After writing a bit of code 
to try it out, I see that the last item in the list below, ('c', 
'd', 'e'), should have been discarded because pair ('c', 'd') was 
already seen.

    ('a', 'b', 'c'),   # keep
    ('a', 'b', 'd'),   # discard; subsequence ('a', 'b') already seen
    ('a', 'b', 'e'),   # discard; subsequence ('a', 'b') already seen
    ('a', 'c', 'd'),   # keep
    ('a', 'c', 'e'),   # discard; subsequence ('a', 'c') already seen
    ('a', 'd', 'e'),   # keep
    ('b', 'c', 'd'),   # discard; subsequences ('b', 'c') and ('c', 'd') already seen
    ('b', 'c', 'e'),   # discard; subsequence ('b', 'c') already seen
    ('b', 'd', 'e'),   # discard; subsequence ('b', 'd') already seen
    ('c', 'd', 'e')    # discard: subsequenc ('c', 'd') already seen

> That  made me think itertools might not be the right tool.

It can be part of the solution.  See above (and below).  Of course, 
it's not the whole solution--that's your challenge, isn't it?

Here are the parts of the problem with which itertools can help you.

   #1: It can generate the list of possible triples for you:

         itertools.combinations('abcde', 3)

   #2: From each triple, it can generate the pairs:

         itertools.combinations(('a', 'b', 'c'), 2)

> Having discarded
> the subsequences with "already seen's"
> 4 Triples/sequences are left but a variance of the contained letters:
>     'a' occurs 3 times
>     'b' occurs 1 time
>     'c' occurs 3 times
>     'd' occurs 3 times
>     'e' occurs 2 times
> which of course does not fit my task.
> However, I noticed  variance gets smaller with bigger samples and might turn
> 0 with 24 letters.

The variance decrease seems nifty.

> But I don't know how to eliminate the "already seen's" by code.

Ah-ha!  Well, see Marc Tompkins' code for an example of tracking 
"already seen" pairs.  Here's a generic technique that will work for 
identifying "already seen", but tailored for your problem.

    # assume a single triple, for example
    triple = ('a', 'b', 'c')
    gen_pairs = lambda x: itertools.combinations(x, 2)
    already_seen = set()
    for pair in gen_pairs(triple):
    # after the loop completes, you should have:
    # already_seen = {('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('b', 'c')}

You can then, later, test to see if the pair(s) are in the 
already_seen set.

> You are absolutely right that one has to write down first exactly his task
> to be accomplished. But my knowledge goes only
> as far as "Python for Infomatics" (by MOOC/Coursera) and "Practical
> Programming" . I know there are a myriad of other
> modules and tools etc. and there I need the help of "Pythonistas".
> To where should I proceed now ?

I would suggest the following:

   * write down the problem as you understand it
   * write code to solve the problem
   * find a shortcoming in the code (or your description of the problem)
   * try to fix the problem description or the code
     - if success, pat yourself on the back and drink a beer (or whatever)
     - if failure, send the smallest possible relevant problem description and code
       to the Python tutor list and we will try to help

While this has been a bit of a fun problem and learning experience 
for me, I am going to stop posting on this thread.  I lack 
sufficient experience in combinatorics to guide you in thinking 
properly (and clearly) about this problem and that is where you are 
stuck at the moment.  Sorry I can't help you much further.

Good luck, Marcus,


Martin A. Brown

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