[Tutor] How do I (idiomatically) determine when I'm looking at the last entry in a list?

Flynn, Stephen (L & P - IT) Steve.Flynn at capita.co.uk
Wed Oct 28 10:48:05 EDT 2015


	Python 3.

	I'm iterating through a list and I'd like to know when I'm at
the end of the said list, so I can do something different. For example

list_of_things = ['some', 'special', 'things']
for each_entry in list_of_things:
	if each_entry == list_of_things[-1]: # do something special to
last entry

Is this the idiomatic way to detect you're at the last entry in a list
as you iterate through it?

For context, I'm working my way through a (csv) file which describes
some database tables. I'm building the Oracle DDL to create that table
as I go. When I find myself building the last column, I want to finish
the definition with a ");" rather than the usual "," which occurs at the
end of all other column definitions...

	Col1	CHAR(2),
	Col2	NUMBER(5,2),



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