[Tutor] Working collaboratively (was: accessing modules found throughout a package?)

Zachary Ware zachary.ware+pytut at gmail.com
Mon Oct 19 18:26:05 EDT 2015

On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 2:53 PM, Alex Kleider <akleider at sonic.net> wrote:
> On 2015-10-19 12:37, Ben Finney wrote:
>> Work
>> with other Python programmers on a common code base, and watch your
>> skills broaden and improve!
> How I wish I could find such collaborator!
> Are there any "starter level" PyPi projects the maintainer of which
> might consider a novice collaborator?  I would have assumed that
> such an animal doesn't exist.

Most maintainers of open source software will gratefully accept
patches from anybody of any skill level (after proper review), though
there's always the possibility that a patch will be politely rejected
(if it's rejected impolitely, that's their problem, not yours).  The
choice of project to contribute to is really up to you.  Pick one that
you like and know fairly well, and preferably make a contribution that
will make some difference to you and your use of the project.

And if you can't find a PyPI project you'd like to contribute to, you
could always give a shot to working on CPython itself -- see
https://docs.python.org/devguide/ for a guide to getting started with


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