[Tutor] Mutable data type in python

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sat Oct 3 14:59:14 CEST 2015

One thing you can do is to make your variable live in another
module. This is a common way to make config files, for instance.

say you have a file called config.py
which contains the single line
my_int = 0

then in your main program you can do:

import config

and start using

wherever you would like to.

of course, you can also do
from config import my_int

and start using my_int

At this point, you aren't any better off that just
using a global, though.

Note that if you do:

config.my_int = 1
my_int = 1

the file config.py is not changed.  The next time anybody imports it,
they will get the 0 value for my_int.


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