[Tutor] Which header to use in python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Oct 1 17:37:12 CEST 2015

On 01/10/15 16:23, Michel Guirguis wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> Basically, I am trying to find a value of the cumulative distribution 
> in Python.
> Thanks for your help. I have managed to find the cumulative value in 
> scipy but not in the standard Python 3.4. I have solved my problem 
> with scipy but not with the standard Python 3.4.

That's because Python does not have a rich set of statistical functions
built in (it is a general purpose programming language) so you would
need to create your own.

That's why there are packages like scipy -  to save you from writing 
your own.

If you can provide the algorithm then maybe we can help you write one,
but if scipy already has it then just use that.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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