[Tutor] Help - International School in Spain

Mike Straw mike at thestraws.net
Tue Nov 17 11:00:49 EST 2015


The parentheses change the interpretation for the print statement. If you
put it without the parentheses, it will work fine.
print "Mashed ",veg," on the ceiling."

Also, another note: the spaces at end of the first string and the start of
the third string aren't necessary. When you use multiple parameters, print
will automatically put a space between them.


On Tue, Nov 17, 2015 at 10:53 AM caroline metcalf <
caroline.metcalf at aloha-college.com> wrote:

> Hi there
> I am having an issue.  This code normally works fine
> Code:
> veg="carrots"
> print("Mashed ",veg," on the ceiling.")
> print("Green beans on the floor.")
> print("Stewed tomatoes in the corner.")
> print("Squash upon the door.")
> But, I am getting this.  Result:
> ('Mashed ', 'carrots', ' on the ceiling.')
> Green beans on the floor.
> Stewed tomatoes in the corner.
> Squash upon the door.
> >>>
> I have tried semi-colons instead of commas as Spain uses these often but...
> I don't know what else to try.  Any ideas please?
> --
> Caroline Metcalf
> *Head of Business, Economics and Technology (BET)*
> *Responsable Dept. Empresa y Gestión, Economia y Technologia*
> *Tel: (+34) 952 814 133*
> www.aloha-college.com
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