[Tutor] Debugging in Python

Sajjadul Islam sajjadul.islam.bd at gmail.com
Mon Nov 16 04:55:44 EST 2015

Hello forum,

I am trying Python 3.4 on Ubuntu and I am a bit confused with the debugging
scope of python in general.

I wrote a small function and then I tried to run with the following call:


import hilbert


Please note that , I am not using the IDLE IDE. Instead I am using the
typical IDE that shows up with the command "python3" in the linux command

I encountered some error in the source , then I fixed it and tried to run
the module with the above snippet again , but the the error prevails even
though the error part is commented and the updated version saved.

If I get out of the python3 console entirely, get into it again, import the
module and execute, then the last update in the source is effected.

Why is it so clumsy ? I believe that there is better way to program in
python which I am missing ?


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