[Tutor] Attacking this problem (2 parts):JSON object to CSV file

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Jun 21 19:06:10 CEST 2015

On 21/06/15 17:19, abhijeet560 at yahoo.in wrote:
> hello, can you guys give me some  advice regarding web development using python
 > languageIs wordpress is easier to create a website or python framework

If you just want a standard web site with static content or a small 
amount of feedback/blogging type activity Wordpress is easier. If you 
want to do something outside of Wordpress' normal style and behaviour 
then a Python Framework might be worth considering.
But it all depends on how much you need to customize things.

> If then how to create a website User interface i.e of good elegant looking UI??

That's entirely down to your HTML/Javascript skills, and good taste.
Python can't really help you there.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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