[Tutor] about the gui development

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 13 18:43:08 CEST 2015

On 13/06/15 16:03, abhijeet560 at yahoo.in wrote:
> Hello,i wanted to know about the gui development ,
 > from where to began developing the apps in python

The standard GUI toolkit that comes with Python is
Tkinter, with Tix and ttk for some extra features.
There are many tutorials both online and in Python
text books on how to use Tkinter.

There are several other GUI toolkits that you
can install, such as:
- WxPython (based on the Wxwidgets toolkit)
- PyQt/Side based on the Qt toolkit
- PyGTK based on GTK
- Dabo - an app framework based on WxPython and
          targeted at desktop database apps.

>  ..?Which IDE is best suitable for me??

That's a very personal choice. Personally I
prefer Linux/Vim, others prefer emacs.
Still other Eclipse or Netbeans.

For GUI work you might be looking fore a
drag n drop GUI builder of which there are
a few around, although I didn't find any of
them that great to be honest.
Try Glade, Boa Constructor and Dabo.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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