[Tutor] unittest with random population data

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Jun 3 10:04:46 CEST 2015

On 01/06/15 18:14, Sydney Shall wrote:

> Finally, I have one comment for the respected Moderator, if he is not
> out on a walk in the highlands in this cold  and wet weather.

No, that's on tomorrow's schedule :-)

> I have taken the liberty of raising my problem here rather than
> elsewhere, because I have observed that the biological and bio-medical
> community, who always come late to new notions, is now rapidly
> discovering  python. A great deal of work in these fields involve either
> stochastic simulations or statistical problems of analysis. The latter
> are more or less straight-forward, but the simulations are not.

I have no problem with this kind of material on tutor because, although 
the list is for "beginners to Python", that includes those with much 
experience in other languages and who may expect to use TDD from the 

So TDD techniques using standard library modules is a valid
topic even though it may be too advanced for those beginners who
are new to programming. We need to balance coverage to cater for
both categories of "beginner".

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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