[Tutor] Parsing/Crawling test College Class Site.

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 2 01:48:26 CEST 2015

On 02/06/15 00:06, bruce wrote:
> Hi. I'm creating a test py app to do a quick crawl of a couple of
> pages of a psoft class schedule site. Before I start asking
> questions/pasting/posting code... I wanted to know if this is the kind
> of thing that can/should be here..

Probably. we are targeted at beginners to Python and focus
on core language and standard library. If you are using
the standard library modules to build your app then certainly.,

If you are using a third party module then we may/may not
be able to help depending on who, if anyone, within the
group is familiar with it. In that case you may be better
on the <whichever toolset you are using> forum.

> The real issues I'm facing aren't so much pythonic as much as probably
> dealing with getting the cookies/post attributes correct. There's
> ongoing jscript on the site, but I'm hopeful/confident :) that if the
> cookies/post is correct, then the target page can be fetched..

Post sample code, any errors you get and as specific a
description of the issue as you can.
Include OS and Python versions.
Use plain text not HTML to preserve code formatting.

If it turns out to be way off topic we'll tell you (politely)
where you should go for help.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site
Follow my photo-blog on Flickr at:

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