[Tutor] reading Fortran unformatted files with Python

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Mon Jul 13 22:30:11 CEST 2015

In a message of Mon, 13 Jul 2015 15:32:06 -0400, Gabriele Brambilla writes:
>sorry for the confusion I understood that the Real(8) I'm using correspond
>to dtype float64 in Python.
>With the second method it seems to work but I get a wrong number of
>They should be grouped by 21 float64 but I don't find a number of data =
>21*m where m is an integer number.
>I think the problem is that Fortran write 4bytes at the beginning and at
>the end of each file.
>I found a way to remove the first 4 bytes but not the last.
>Do you have any suggestion?

I always used FortranFile, which uses (or used at any rate) the
Python struct module to get those parts right.  I suppose you could
fiddle around with struct yourself, but it is probably better if you
can just get FortranFile to work for you.

This entry in the Scientific Python cookbook may help.

If you still cannot get it to work, the place to ask for help
with the FortranFile library is the scientific Python mailing list.

whatever you are misunderstanding, they will know in a second
because they do this all the time, and I do this once every 3 or 5
years, and then pretty much forget everything I learned until the
next time I have to relearn it.

Sorry I cannot remember more of the internal details,

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