[Tutor] about real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sun Jul 5 07:18:46 CEST 2015

In a message of Sun, 05 Jul 2015 12:18:34 +0800, "Zhongye" writes:
>Thanks for your helpful reply.
>I have check them, that it control SuperCollider via OSC (Open Sound Control), and it provides with a simpler API to use those libraries.
>Is that mean if I write some python scripts importing it, and the others want to use my scripts, they have to also install the SuperCollider?

That is one way to do things.  The other, more complicated way is to
package your result into a binary file that contains all the things you need
--- which means that they won't have to install SuperCollider because
you already have done this for them.  Packaging solutions are different
depending on what operating system you are running, so if you want your
thing to run under windows and Mac OS and Linux you will need to make
at least 3 different versions.


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