[Tutor] Seismometer alarm

Dave Angel davea at davea.name
Sun Jan 4 15:35:55 CET 2015

On 01/04/2015 08:17 AM, Ted wrote:
> On 03/01/15 19:19, Ted wrote:
>> Alan Thank you so much for the reply,  attached is a screenshot of a
>> 4.9M earthquake in Challis Idaho, about 150 miles north.
>> this is what I need the alarm for.

Ted, I don't know what mail program you're using, but you're not doing a 
reply, you're leaving a new message, which breaks the thread.  Further 
(and probably related), you're not adding the ">" characters in front of 
the parts you quote, and in fact, many times you're just adding to the 
end of an existing line.  You're also not trimming the quoted parts, to 
what's relevant in your reply.  For example, your message ends with 
Alan's footer, making it look like he wrote it.

As a result, it's practically impossible for most of us to follow what 
you're saying now, and what's already been said.

A few comments.

18 strings per second is not very fast;  I wouldn't worry about that, 
unless your device has some other strange requirements.

Timing can be awkward for a beginning programmer.  Can you just count to 
N messages, like 18*30 or so?

putting a readline() function inside a print function call is one way to 
be sure you can't process that number in some other way.  Save it in a 
variable, and then (conditionally) print that variable.  I'd also 
suggest you always label your prints, so you can tell in what part of 
your code that particular print was called.


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