[Tutor] Use python to parse the subject line of emails, listen for and react to commands

Willie Sims willie14228 at outlook.com
Thu Feb 26 21:51:00 CET 2015

Hello I have been trying to figure out a way to parse the subject line of new emails in Gmail, the subject line will be commands for another python script. I know this isn't the most secure way of doing things but it is for a Beagle Bone, I'm really new to python and don't know of this is even possible though I don't see why not. The way I thought it would work would to have py check email subject lines coming from one sender when it sees a subject  "Command(the command to follow)" it would then start another py script with that command, or otherwise sees the subject Settings(the item to change(the change)) it would change a settings page.
I haven't found any examples of using py to loop back on itself like this, mostly I'm sure because this is not secure and easy to hack and clunky for remote access, 
I know py can parse emails,  but I cant figure out how to limit to only the subject and only if its in that certain format and only if its coming from a recognized email address and since I'm using 3.4 it seems all the other kind of examples don't work half the time anyway.
can someone point me in the right direction  

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