[Tutor] Suggestions on pyserial for RS232 com monitor?

Raúl raulcumplido at gmail.com
Wed Feb 18 23:10:57 CET 2015

I have never worked with serial ports on python, but have you taken a look on http://pyserial.sourceforge.net


> On 18 Feb 2015, at 16:18, dw <bw_dw at fastmail.fm> wrote:
> Hi Python Gang.
> I have a project where I'm sending serial data to a Ten-Tec RX320 radio
> receiver.
> I'm using COM2 @1200 baud....(standard N,8,1 parameters).
> I have a need to verify the data that I'm sending to the device.
> It occurred to me that python installed on a laptop might be a great
> idea.
> I can send the commands to the laptop instead of the radio and monitor
> the commands.
> Does anyone have any suggestions on a python script that would wait for
> incoming data on a select com and display the data once sent?
> I would probably install python 2.7 in the laptop for this project,
> since the laptop has Ubuntu 12.04 OS.
> Any suggestions, script, or point me in a direction would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Sincere thanks!
> dw :-]
> -- 
> Bw_dw at fastmail.net
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