[Tutor] unittest for: Raises an exception

Sydney Shall s.shall at virginmedia.com
Wed Feb 18 19:15:05 CET 2015

I use a MAC OSX 10.9.5
Enthought Canopy Python 2.7.6

I am a learner.

I am now trying to learn unittests as is often emphasised on this list.
I think that I have understood the simple unit tests such as Equal, 
Greater etc.
But I am struggling with the syntax of a test for Raises an exception.

The function that I am tring to test is:
For some reason my indentation has not been correctly copied.
I am sure that it is correct becuase I have chacked it as well as the 
program. Also the 20 tests that are OK refer to all the other functions 
in the program.

def getSurplusLabourTime(self, ww, uvc):
     self.ww = ww
          self.uvc = uvc
             self.surplus_labour_time = self.ww - self.uvc
             return self.surplus_labour_time
             if self.surplus_labour_time <= 0.0:
                 raise ValueError("Surplus labour time cannot be" + \
                     " equal to or shorter than zero!")

My test code is the following:

def test_func_getSurplusLabourTime_Exc(self):

[This last line should indented, but it refuses to do so!]

The traceback is as follows:

ERROR: test_func_getSurplusLabourTime_Exc (__main__.Testcwp)
Traceback (most recent call last):
version/TestCWP_WorkDuration.py", line 88, in 
self.cwp.getSurplusLabourTime(self.cwp.ww, self.cwp.uvc))
line 475, in assertRaises
     callableObj(*args, **kwargs)
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Ran 21 tests in 0.005s

FAILED (errors=1)

I do know that I have not added the arguments that would sause an 
exception to be raised. But I have tried several forms and none have 
worked. I get the same traceback as above.

Any guidance would be appreciated.


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