[Tutor] Wondering if there is a print in location command for terminal?

dw bw_dw at fastmail.fm
Mon Feb 9 19:03:19 CET 2015

Hi Python Gang,
In the olden days of Basic, there was a "Locate" command to locate
strings in specific x/y locations on the terminal.

For example:
Locate 9,10:print "THE POWER OF PYTHON"
Would count down from top of terminal 9 increments.
And the count (from left to right of terminal) 10 spaces.
Then print the string there.

I wonder if what I'm looking for is the "Curses" library?
I'm running Python 2.6 in Linux and 2.7 in Window.
dw :-]
 Bw_dw at fastmail.net

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