[Tutor] How do I call a variable within an input () function?

Edgar Figueroa figgypops at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 6 00:57:06 CET 2015

Hello group.  I'm trying to call the variable "name" within my input () function.
Here's what I have:
name = input("Hello. What's your name? ")
print("\nHello", name, ". Nice to meet you.")
favFood1 = input("\n", name, ", what's your favorite food? ")
Obviously it isn't working.  It tells me I have too many arguments for the input () function.  Basically, I want the output to read as follows:
Hello. What's your name?
user enters "Frank"
Hello Frank. Nice to meet you.
Frank, what's your favorite food?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

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