[Tutor] Need help with find error

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Feb 4 13:32:06 CET 2015

Андрей Пугачев wrote:

> Hi
> I'm learning python a few weeks and have problems with code that read text
> from txt-file
> Code doing all right, but in the end I have error
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "trivia_challenge.py", line 81, in <module>
>     main()
>   File "trivia_challenge.py", line 74, in main
>     category, question, answers, correct, explanation, points =
> next_block(trivia_file)
>   File "trivia_challenge.py", line 37, in next_block
>     points = int(next_line(the_file))
> ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
> I see it don't like empty line, but line is not emty...
> py-file http://pastebin.com/9C4guZq5
> txt-file http://pastebin.com/dZVs8V9P

Put some debugging code into your script that keeps track of the line you 
are reading. For that you can modify the next_line() routine:

current_line = 0
def next_line(the_file):
    """Return next line from the trivia file, formatted."""
    global current_line

    line = the_file.readline()
    print("XXX CURRENT LINE", current_line, repr(line))
    current_line += 1

    line = line.replace("/", "\n")
    return line

Then, when you run the script again, there will be a line

XXX CURRENT LINE 451 'yabba dabba doo\n'

printed right before the exception is triggered. Once you know the line 
(hint: it's not actually a line in the file) the problem should be easy to 
fix. (Come back here to ask for more hints if you cannot fix it.)

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