Gaurav Lathwal glathwal at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 09:30:12 CEST 2015

Thank you very much for your input. :)
I did not that there was a such thing as websites raising flags on people
downloading stuff this way. I will take care about it from next time

& Both of you know a lot about all this, how do I go about doing that ? I
mean, how do I learn that much ? Please don't take this question in any
wrong way, I just want to learn. Because in all the Python books, they all
stop after the usual stuff, nobody tells you how to write scripts to do
awesome stuff. :\

Please help.

On 1 August 2015 at 23:18, Válas Péter <turtle at 64.hu> wrote:

> 2015-08-01 19:42 GMT+02:00 Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>:
> > c) The separate page is not static HTML (or even server
> >    generated HTML) it is created in part by the Javascript
> >    code when the page loads. That means it is very likely to
> >    change on each load (possibly deliberately so to foil robots!)
> >
> I didn't go far enough to notice this. :-( So my previous script is just an
> outline, how to approach such tasks, but not a whole solution.
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